
A student enrolled in Gunnison Watershed School District is placed in classes/programs to best meet his/her needs. Below are the current options available for students:

Elementary Schools

School-wide Cluster Grouping Model - An inclusion model in which gifted students are integrated into mixed-ability classrooms with differentiated learning opportunities. Classroom teachers differentiate and enrich within the regular classroom so that gifted students receive services at all times. Depth and complexity will continue to be an area of focus as the classroom teacher and gifted teacher collaborate on instruction. School-wide

Intervention Model - The schools have a common time for reading and all students are

grouped according to ability level to receive direct instruction.

Accelerated Learning Opportunities - Students may receive accelerated learning opportunities in a 
specific subject area. Gifted students’ needs are typically met within the general education classroom with guidance/support from gifted education staff; however, students may be pulled out of the regular classroom for additional academic support. Instruction is fast-paced and rigorous. Accelerated reading and accelerated math learning opportunities are available within the regular classroom setting.

Independent Study - Students may elect to complete an Independent Study project to better serve students’ unique learning needs. The teacher, parent, and student collaborate to create an on-going, student directed learning experience.

Middle Schools

School-wide Cluster Grouping Model - An inclusion model in which gifted students are integrated into mixed-ability classrooms with differentiated learning opportunities. Classroom teachers differentiate and enrich within the regular classroom so that gifted students receive services at all times. Depth and complexity will continue to be an area of focus as the classroom teacher and gifted teacher collaborate on instruction.

Project-Based Learning/ Independent Study Elective - Middle school students have the ability to choose this class as one of their electives. The class is not tied to one specific core content area, but is run as an independent study for middle school students to engage in an in-depth exploration in an area of interest. The course may or may not be multi-age.

Content Replacement Programs - Students receive accelerated learning opportunities in a specific subject as a replacement for an on grade-level course. On average, the curriculum is one to two grade levels beyond the student’s assigned grade. The course may or may not be multi-age.


  • Advanced Math

  • Advanced electives (vocal/instrumental music and art)

  • Spanish 1 for high school credit

High Schools

Content Replacement Programs - Students receive accelerated learning opportunities in a specific subject as a replacement for an on grade-level course. On average, the curriculum is one to two grade levels beyond the student’s assigned grade. The course may or may not be multi-age.


  • Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors courses

  • Concurrent Enrollment courses at Western State Colorado University (WSCU)*

  • Advanced Electives (vocal/instrumental music and art)

  • Pathways Center - The Pathways Program is a philosophical look at how students enrolled in the school district can work to acquire credits for graduation. Each student's path may look different.  

*Information about concurrent enrollment is available on the school district website.