John Henaghan

Hello, My Name Is...

John Henaghan
John Heneghan

6th-8th Grade Physical Education Teacher

Physical Education Philosophy:

We want our students to enjoy physical movement by exposing them to a variety of sports and activities.  Our goal is for students to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Instruction is student-centered, our program emphasizes the improvement of physical fitness, physical skills, movement concepts, participation, self-responsibility, emotional and social wellness.

General Curriculum:

I.  Five Parts of Fitness (Flexibility, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance,  Cardiovascular or Heart and Lung Endurance, Body Composition)

II. Skill building for lifetime activities and sports

III.  Knowledge of movement concepts, game rules, and strategies

IV.  Practicing responsible behavior

V. Participation in activities

VI. Fitness Improvements

P.E. Conduct

Proper behavior is expected at all times. Please respect other students' abilities and level of play. Unsportsmanlike behavior will not be tolerated.

When the instructor is speaking, students are to be quiet and listening. Misconduct of any kind will result in yellow and red light consequences.

  1. Give your best effort
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Respect property
  4. Be Safe
  5. Respect others

Absences and Tardies

Students are expected to be on time in the gym when the bell rings.  Students are also expected to be out of the locker room, warming-up before the four-minute dress time ends. If students are tardy to class or out of the locker room this will affect their daily participation points.

Medical Excuses

All students are required to participate at the “Best of Their Ability” in Physical Education.

1.      If your child has a severe medical problem that the teacher needs to be aware of, please have the student bring a doctor’s note for the medical condition or have your doctor fax the note to the school. Please have the doctor include exercises that should be done for fast healing and exercises that should be avoided. The fax number at GMS is (970) 641-7739.  Students who have asthmatic problems are not automatically excused from aerobic activities(including running). We encourage you to get a medical clearance from your child’s doctor enabling your child to have an inhaler during physical education class.

2.      Parents/Guardians may request that their child is excused from participation due to illness and/or injury for ONE day.  The second day, the parent/guardian can again write a note to excuse the child if a doctor's appointment has been scheduled, but on the third and subsequent days, the note must be from a doctor. On the doctor’s note please include: the student's first and last name, the reason for not participating, the date, exercises that should be done for fast healing, and exercises that should be avoided. Students with a parental/doctor's note will be responsible for information covered in the current unit.
P.E. Uniforms

Students are required to dress out daily for Physical Education class.  Uniforms are available to purchase new for $25 ($12 shirt, $13 shorts) or used for $ 5. Appropriate activewear is required for participation in Physical Education. Names must be visible on shirts and shorts. No other writing or coloring is permitted on PE clothing.  It is recommended that students take home and wash their P.E. uniform at the end of each week. We may go outside activities even during cold days; therefore, students are encouraged to have an old pair of sweats just in case the weather is not mild. Athletic shoes MUST have shoelaces and MUST be tied correctly for participation. Jewelry and gum must be removed during class time. Only prescription eyewear is permitted.

RENTAL UNIFORMS;   If a student forgets his/her PE clothes rentals are available. Rentals are only to be used in an emergency. A student may rent clothes three times per quarter without contacting home.

4th rental in one quarter: he/she must complete a Red Light (reflection form) for a strategy on fixing the problem
5th rental in one quarter:  he/she must either take the Red Light home for a parent signature or call a parent/guardian for a strategy to fix the problem.

P.E. Discipline plan

1. Physical Education teachers use a “green, yellow, red light” system for all class behaviors:

Green Light = student goes above and beyond in his/her work habits, participation, and/or citizenship, and is awarded positively for this behavior.

Yellow Zone = a warning to the student to adjust his/her current behavior/choices.

Red Light = a second acknowledgment of poor behavior/choice.  Student completes a Red Light reflection form designed to help students evaluate and change the current behavior. A student also discusses this form with a teacher.  

2.  Referral = Student is sent to the office for multiple Red Lights, insubordination, dangerous behavior, or any violation of GMS Code of Conduct.
Lost and Found

Students are encouraged to lock up all their belongings. The GMS Physical Education department cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen articles.

P.E Locker Room

Students have four minutes to get dressed and participate in warm-up activity. Each student will be issued a locker with a combination lock. It is extremely important that each student keep locker combinations confidential so that belongings are secure.

Grading in P.E.

We recommend that students check their PE grade weekly to assure that all assignments are completed.  Students missing assignments need to advocate for themselves to find a solution with the teacher.

Academic grade

Your student's academic grade will include Skill building (throwing, catching, kicking, jumprope, etc.), Movement Concepts (balance, stability, offense and defense strategy, etc.), Participation in Physical Activity (Give best effort), Physical Fitness improvements (i.e. fitness testing), Self responsibility, Fitness Concepts (5 components of fitness, FITT Principle, etc.), and goal setting.

   Skill Development: Various rubrics will be utilized to assess the skill and knowledge of students.
Physical Fitness: Includes cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength and muscular endurance.

Assessment rubrics are adopted from National Fitness Standards.  Students are graded from either achievement or growth (from his/her own previous test scores to accommodate for differences in individual capabilities).

Percentage Grades

A 100 - 90%

B 89 -80%

C 79 - 70%

D 69 - 60%

F 59% & below

Test retakes and Making up missing assignments

All missing assignments are recorded in PowerSchool as a 0 with a missing icon.  All assignments need to be made up or retested in a 5 day window outside of class time.   This may be during Study Skills time, by appointment.

Work Habit grade
Students are expected to be in the gym by the tardy bell, and on the gym floor dressed for class before the four minute change time.  Students need to be prepared for class with a clean PE uniform and proper shoes. While in class, students need to be focused and working to the best of their ability during the warm-up and throughout the lesson. Students are expected to follow all safety guidelines and procedures and  participate in all activities to the best of their abilities.

Citizenship grade
Students are expected be cooperative, positive and respectful of peers and staff. Please refer to PE discipline plan above for further explanation.  

[email protected], (970) 641-7710 Ext.4019